meisam mozafari

writer, film and theater director

My name is Meisam Mozafari. Born on November 24, 1987 in Iran. I studied Theater directing at the Master’s level...

Born on November 24, 1987 in Iran. I first started my artistic career by writing short stories and learned music and painting as a teenager. In 2015, I started writing plays under the supervision of Mohammad Charmshir, a great Iranian playwright. Also, I studied stage design at the bachelor's level and theater directing at the master's level at the university, and in this way, I learned from professors such as Dr. Masoud Delkhah (theatre director), Dr. Farhad Mohandespour (director and dramaturg), and Kianoush Ayari (cinema director) and I presented my thesis by studying the works of Jerzy Grotowski, Tadeusz Kantor, Robert Wilson, Samuel Beckett and Bertolt Brecht with an excellent grade.

In 2016, I wrote and performed my first play called “Morwarid”, and after that I have directed and written 3 theaters, written and directed 5 short films, directed a documentary, written 5 plays, written 10 short scripts and 1 long script. I have in my artistic portfolio, many of which have been awarded in various domestic and foreign festivals.

My desire to create and see what I have written and then designed on the screen or stage always puts me on the path of searching for new opportunities.

my name is
meisam mozafari

Meisam Mozafari

Writer and Director of the short film:

drown out


drown outdrown out

Writer and Director of the short film:

Morgellons Syndrome


Morgellons SyndromeMorgellons Syndrome

Writer and Director of the short film:

The Gradual Melting of a Snowflake


The Gradual Melting of a SnowflakeThe Gradual Melting of a Snowflake

Director of the Documentaries:

Resident of Forgetfulness


Resident of ForgetfulnessResident of Forgetfulness

Writer and Director of the short film:




Writer and Director of the short film:




Writer and Director of the theater:

A Weapon for Peace


A Weapon for PeaceA Weapon for Peace

Writer and Director of the theater:




Writer and Director of the theater:

Gymnastics of pieces


Gymnastics of piecesGymnastics of pieces

Writer and Director of the theater:



Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the 2019 Seoul Short Film Festival, South Korea

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the 2019 Seoul Short Film Festival, South Korea

Nominated for Best Short Film at the 2020 Taipei, Taiwan Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film at the 2020 Taipei, Taiwan Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the 2020 Wexford, Ireland Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the 2020 Wexford, Ireland Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Iconic Image Lithuania 2021 Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Iconic Image Lithuania 2021 Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Italian Cinemagia 2021 Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Italian Cinemagia 2021 Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Tehran Art is alive festival 2021 Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Tehran Art is alive festival 2021 Short Film Festival

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Lift-Off 2024 Film Festivals

Nominated for Best Short Film Award at the Lift-Off 2024 Film Festivals

meisam mozafari
Part of the "Magpie" play:

Ideals and pains always grow together. Sometimes pains take precedence, and sometimes we achieve our goals and ideals. But there is a bitter truth, and that is, unfortunately, I should be very clear and straightforward with you: a happy ending is unlikely to happen.